Kick-off at a match between Nigeria and South Africa's under 20 teams, at the new Cape Town stadium. An incredibly photogenic stadium and a stunning outing for the kids.
The kids stayed at my sister's for the duration of my trip. This was taken after the drive home. Clearly, being with your aunt and cousin for a few days is an exhausting experience.
The library in which I'm presenting my workshop is said to be haunted. The story goes that a former librarian committed suicide by drinking arsenic. There are several ghosts here, but the one that interested me was that of the wife of the librarian, who found his body 3 days after he died. According to the current librarian, those who see her always see her in the same place, wearing a black cloak and looking out of the window. I took this photo hoping to capture her, but no luck. :)
Today's pic not taken by me. A day spent in Hout Bay, finishing at the Riding Centre, where Hannah attended a birthday party. Jonah was desperate to touch and ride the horses. Next time...
Proof that your camera should be with you at all times. I was just arriving home when I saw the most spectacular pink in the sunset. Ran inside to grab my camera, but by the time I got back outside, the pink was all but gone.
For some reason, rainy weather puts me in a real funk. Today, it rained most of the day. This is a pic of the road I walk between my building and the main one in which most of the rest of the staff work. It looks particularly depressing when it's raining.
I arrived this afternoon to a clean, neat house. Within 10 minutes of being home, my entire lounge was transformed into a battlefield of tiny plastic soldiers. Happily, I didn't get too much complaint about tidying up, because I gave James, the eldest, a broom to sweep it up. He thought that was cool.